What are The Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer and How Do You Detect Them?


Suffering from an ovarian tumor? Ovarian cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cells in the ovary. But, it’s often difficult to diagnose the ovarian tumor in its early stages because its symptoms are similar to other stomach conditions and thus are often mistaken for minor ailments. Most ovarian tumors cause in the epithelium or outer lining of the ovary and there may be few or no signs in the early stages. Premenstrual syndrome, temporary bladder problems, and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the common conditions noticed. Thus, if you experience some persistent symptoms for more than a few weeks or notice a change in the ovarian consult a doctor for a follow-up. Further, check out these early signs of an ovarian tumor to know more.


Yes, almost every woman experience bloating, an uncontrolled feeling of fullness in the belly. However, it’s normal to feel bloated around your monthly cycle. But consistent bloating which last for one to three weeks is one of the most common early signs of ovarian tumor. Equally, bloating accompanied by abdominal distention is a red flag that there is a problem.


Gastrointestinal issues can be linked to everything from stress to irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cancer, etc. And when it comes to the ovarian tumor, a common GI symptom is constipation. Besides, you should also pay attention to the changes in bowel habits.

Prolonged pain

Persistent pressure in the abdomen and pelvis that lasts for one to three weeks is another great signal of ovarian tumors. If you have GI related troubles and if they are not going away even after finding relief on your own – it’s time you contact a doctor and have the needful tests conducted.

Bladder disfunction

Often when women experience urinary troubles, such as pain when urinating or urgency they frequently think it’s a urinary tract infection. But many times, bladder related issues can be a signal of gynecologic or reproductive trouble like an ovarian tumor.

Specific urinary troubles associated with ovarian tumor include

  • Frequent urination.
  • Urgent need to urinate.
  • Feeling pain in the bladder.

Difficulty eating

Loss of appetite is another major concern of this ovarian tumor. In addition to this loss of appetite, the early indications of ovarian tumors include – feeling full quickly or trouble at finishing the small meals. If you find these symptoms try reaching the doctor immediately.

How to detect ovarian tumors? 

The only definitive way to detect the growth of cancerous cells in the ovary is through surgery and biopsy. Doctors will perform surgery after they obtain enough proof from their exam and test completion. If a woman has fluid inside the abdomen, a specialist before surgery may inject a needle through the abdomen. By looking at the cells in the tissue and fluid under a microscope, a pathologist describes the tumor as grades 1, 2 or 3.

Final thoughts

There’s no reliable screening or early detection test available for ovarian tumors. If you are experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms talk to your doctor about the best next steps for you.

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