The Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Your Body


Dealing with Multiple Sclerosis? You know MS is a random sickness of the brain which interrupts the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and body. It affects the covering around the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. This damage slows down or blocks the messages between your brain and body leading to trouble with coordination and balance, prickling sensations, muscle weakness, visual disturbances, etc. Most people with MS are diagnosed within the ages of 20 and 50. However, the cause of MS is still undiscovered. But researchers prove that the combination of environmental and genetic factors contributes to the risk of developing MS. Further, understanding MS requires a closer look as symptoms of MS are often mild. 


Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on the body


The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are often varied and can affect any part of the body. For some, the symptoms develop and get pronounced over time while for others the symptoms come and go. 


Occurrence of fatigue


Do you know fatigue is an invisible symptom of multiple sclerosis? It comes as a sudden loss of energy which restraints the patient from continuing activity. It can be either both and physical. Fatigue from MS is usually graver at the end of the day and better in the early evening. And it can be hard to explain this symptom to friends and family members. 


Problems with eyesight


Vision problems are often associated with MS. It can be a loss of vision, flashes of light, color blindness, blind spots, etc. But, in most cases, they are temporary and can be rectified with the help of medication. 


Problems with thinking


Normally, cognitive problems affect around 50% of people with MS. And those patients will experience some problems with memory, planning, attention span, decision making, and understanding. 


Numbness and tingling


This is one of the most common signs of MS, and often the first indication that raises alarm. Numbness and tingling can affect any part of the body but commonly affects the arms, face and legs. 


Cause damage to ears


In rare cases of Multiple Sclerosis, damage to the brainstem may result in hearing problems or deafness. Again, the majority of cases are temporary but some may suffer permanent damage to hearing due to MS.


Bladder and bowel problems


Nerve damage can lead to difficulties controlling the bladder and bowel. Thus, bladder problems are extremely common in MS and are affecting more than 80% of the patients. It can various problems such as constipation, diarrhea, lack of bowel control, etc. 


Problems with mouth and throat


Around 40% of people living with MS may experience problems with speech, usually slurred speech or trouble articulating. Some may also have the struggle to control the volume of their speech. In rare cases, some people may even experience problems with swallowing which can be serious as it can lead to choking. 


Bottom lines


Multiple Sclerosis is a degenerative disease and there’s no specific cure for MS. But the intake of medicines along with physical and occupational therapy may help control its symptoms.

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