How To Recover After Intensive Surgery


Throughout your life, you may have to consider having many invasive and serious procedures in order to improve your health, This could be surgery on your heart or lungs, or surgery such as replacing a hip. Although this isn’t a decision to take lightly, there are many things you can do to promote your health and recover after an intensive surgical procedure. Recovery is often the main cause of concern when people decide whether or not to have surgery. However, if you follow the following steps, you can make recovery so much easier after a serious procedure.

Organise Help

After a surgical procedure, you may not have the energy to run about doing your daily chores and responsibilities as much as you could before. In fact, you may need to spend your time resting as much as possible. Make sure that you take enough time off work and let your boss know how you’re doing. Furthermore, make sure that you organise help with household upkeep and childcare, so you can relax as much as possible when you’re recovering from surgery.

Rest As Much As Possible

It’s crucial that you rest as much as possible after a serious surgical procedure. If you don’t, your stress levels could rise and this could seriously risk your health. The role of stress in immune health is very serious, and stress could limit how well your immune system works. This could have dire consequences post-surgery as if you’re immune system is impacted, you could end up developing an infection. To mitigate any stress and protect your immune system, make sure you’re resting up as much as possible to protect your body.

Keep The Surgical Site Clean

Another risk for infection is not keeping your surgical site clean. After the surgery, you might not be able to shower for a while or remove the bandages, so you shouldn’t. However, once your bandages can come off and you’re free to shower again, you should make sure you’re keeping up with your personal hygiene. Keeping the surgical site clean can prevent serious infections from risking your life or recovery, and help promote your health as much as possible. Cleanliness is essential for your health, which is more important than ever when you’re recovering from intensive surgery.

Keep Your Mind Occupied

One of the main problems that patients report when it comes to recovering from intensive surgery is boredom. Because you can’t move as much as you normally would, many people report feelings of restlessness and stress, which isn’t good when you’re trying to recover. Have plenty of films, TV shows, games and books lined up so you can keep your mind occupied during recovery, so you will feel bored a lot less. This is a great way to keep your brain occupied and stave off feelings of stress and anxiety during your recovery period, and make rest much easier.

Follow The Surgeon’s Orders

If your surgeon gives you orders to follow during your recovery, you need to make sure you’re following them as closely as you can. Your surgeon will have performed hundreds if not thousands of these procedures, so they know what is best for your recovery period. During the consultation, they will give you some guidelines or rules to follow during your recovery. It’s essential that you pay close attention and make sure to follow their rules, to ensure you have a smooth recovery. If you don’t follow their rules, you could be putting the success of your surgery at risk.

Get Moving When You Can

After a certain amount of time, you will be allowed to start moving and getting some more exercise. However, a few days after your surgery, you should be okay to walk around for a bit. You should make sure to get moving as soon as possible, as this stimulates blood flow which is essential for healing. It also bolsters your immune system, which can protect your body against infections and promote better healing. Once you are allowed to move, make sure to get as much light exercise as you can. However, make sure that you don’t worsen your injuries or overwork yourself.

Eat A Great Diet

One of the best ways you can promote better healing and recovery after an intensive surgical procedure is to eat well. For example, eating more protein can help your body heal scars and develop muscle, which is essential during a period of rest. Furthermore, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is essential for improving your immune system and preventing infections from developing in the body. Researchers on plastic surgery in Manchester found that patients who ate an optimised diet had a much better chance of recovering well than patients who did not. Before and after your surgery make sure you’re eating a great diet with plenty of protein, vitamins and nutrients to facilitate better healing.

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