Science Says Women Might Be More Prone To Incontinence Than Men!


A condition seems dreadful when it comes based on genders; and it turns brutal when we know that the targeted gender is ours. But we all suffer somehow in one way or another. Men and women differ physiologically and this leads to different mechanisms of life. While men suffer in one way, women suffer in another. When it comes to incontinence, studies says that women might be more prone to urinary incontinence than men. But how true are these studies on their logic? Are women really prone? As per Confidenceclub incontinence underwear gets bought by both men and women. Then where to look at to find the right answer?

What does science speak about incontinence?

Although both men and women are vulnerable to get urinary incontinence at some age, women’s physiological structure puts them at more risk. Women’s physiology differs from that of men, and this leads to some issues. Women go through one of the most bittersweet act of nature – bearing a child. Pregnancy is one of the major factors that leads to urinary and fecal incontinence. Bearing a child and then delivering it puts pressure upon the pelvic muscles, thereby injuring them. Though it does not happen to every other woman, it happens to some. The risk increases by the second pregnancy. According to the data of American Urological Association (AUA), around 15 million men and women go through this thing called Urinary Continence. When it comes to the people aged 60 or more, around 33% of older women get affected by it, while the number goes down to a range of 15%-20% when it comes to older men. This puts women’s number to be nearly twice as that of men. Older people find it to be more terrible than diabetes.

The major cause of incontinence in the elders is the decline of functional abilities and neurological degradation. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, and weakness leads to urinating abnormally. People with neurological conditions fail to reach the bathroom in time, fail to decide if they are in the bathroom, if they need a bathroom to urinate, or even fail to control their muscles.

When it comes to the age below 50, women are still more prone to incontinence due to their physiology. The stress of pregnancy inflicts upon the Detrusor and the Sphincter muscles. This leads to the weakening of these muscles and thus the incontinence. This issue leads to stress incontinence the most.

What to do about it then?

Although the cause is almost inevitable, there are certain things that one can do if one gets urinary or fecal incontinence. Kegel exercises help strengthen the muscles and get the control back. These exercises cannot show immediate results but sure does help in the long run. Apart from exercises, as per Confidenclub, incontinence underwear sure can help you get rid of that wetness, but you must not take those underwears for granted. Many people get lazy around and lose their will to urinate voluntarily when they find incontinence pads handy. Not using muscles for longer enough leads to them being dysfunctional. This is why they say to use diapers only when necessary. Even when you use diapers or pads, try to go urinate in the bathroom (even at night). Avoid diuretics like caffeine, alcohol, certain medicines, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. Buy now some good diapers to help yourself, and try managing your diet alongside stress or any other underlying physical condition. Women might be slightly more susceptible, but they are far stronger too.

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