Eating Out During COVID19: Here’s What You Must Take Care of


When the COVID 19 debuted on this planet, nobody knew that it would change the dynamics of every industry out there. Even now that the vaccine is out there, it is hard to say if this disease will be wiped out any time soon or not. However, because many people have returned to the normal pace of life and even the restaurants are open, one still needs to take care of themselves when dining out. Simply put, we all want to go out and let ourselves loose. 

With chefs having brought a major change in the food industry, all of us want to go out and try what’s new. In this feature we will shed light on what you need to take care of when going out in this challenging time:

Apart from maintaining personal hygiene, it is essential to eat healthily and keep away from processed food items. So before you visit a certain restaurant, ensure to research and know more about it. See if the restaurant has passed their food through allergen testing or not. Also, visit the official website of the restaurant to know more about their ambience. Also, know if they are using the security protocols for social distancing or not. 

  • Don’t Overlook Wearing the Mask

Although it is very frustrating to put on a mask, it is not something that can be ignored or is a choice. With COVID 19 being all over the place, you never know when you might come across an infected person. Ensure to put on your mask and sanitize your hands as soon as you walk in. always have a mask on your face, so you can avoid contracting this disease in public. Even if the restaurant‘s staff is vaccinated, you can never take a chance for yourself or anyone else in the family. 

  • Wash Your Hands

Walking in a restaurant and requesting the sanitizer doesn’t mean that your hands will instantly get rid of germs. Some bacteria can take longer than expected to leave your skin. So as soon as you enter the restaurant, visit the restroom to cleanse your hands. Once done, you can use tissue paper to wipe them and use a sanitizer. Secondly, avoid touching your nose, mouth, eyes or ears with your hands, since bacteria can easily travel inside your body. Try to pay through an online transfer of funds rather than using cash or giving your debit card to make a payment. 

  • Never Visit a Crowded Place

A place that is already bombarded with a lot of people is a big risk for you. The chances of getting contracted with this disease are all-time high in places that serve an abundance of people. Try skipping every restaurant with a lot of customers. Look for an ideal location that provides you with your space, regardless of its off guard. At least it will be better than a crowded location where many people come together to chit chat.

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